
Friendship and Thoughts from Within

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Friendship and Thoughts from Within
Gundam Photo Shoot
Guest Book

Here is all the photos which I have taken with my friends in my journey of life. Not sure whether all my friends remember me, because we have lost contact for quite long. I have only kept in contact with a few friends and making new friends, but friends in the past have somehow drifted away from me. Hope that they are fine in the things they do and when they see those, hope they will feel the same too. May they be watched upon by the ones high up above. You may be walking alone, but you are never alone in the heart....

Nobody can stop the flow of time…

A moment captured in the frame of the heart will never disappear…

It will be shown in the bottom of their hearts, giving out a great feeling…

A bit of sweet and bitter...



Why does it rain?

Is it the tears of the broken-hearted?

The sorrows of losing someone dear and important?

The anguish of how those above feel when someone died sorrily?

Or maybe it just shows how the emptiness and loneliness which resides in the heart...


My class in the sports day

All the nonsense my class in Sec 3 written to me when I fractured my !@#$%^* skull.......

Snow, covers everything in white…

It covers the sadness softly, decorating happiness beautifully…

Snow continues to fall...


Catholic High ppl in CJC

In autumn, the reason why old leaves fall off branches is to let new leaves replace them.

No matter how sad the fallen leaves look, there will always be new sprouts in spring.

Perhaps, it is how the emptiness in the heart looks like...


Things never go the way many expect it to go....


Some have a much easier life, others just happen to sail past it so easily....


Not everyone is born to have such a life....


Being able to face up to life after a setback is not easy, and not many can encounter and handle it....


Those who get past this hurdle are the ones who are mentally tough....


The mind is the source of one's power....


Learn to use it and you can overcome everything, even if the going gets rough....


Never bow down to failure, accept it and move on....

---- 20.09.2006

Toto fans.... Can't you see how young we are in this 'old man' band concert?!

Sometimes, feeling low and blue is inevitable in everyone....

We always seek to have someone to talk to and confide with, especially our problems bottled up....

Always remember, life is full of ups and downs, and your family is the one to help you pull through....

So are friends....

Remember, you will never be alone in this cruel world.... Never....


That's what friends are for....

 Every heart is like the shore of a beach....


Whoever walks by will leave a footprint, whether young or old....


We get acquainted with people from all walks of life....


As time goes by, these footprints disappears, either by the waves or by the wind....


Anyone who comes by will leave a memory, some are sweet, some are bitter, but they are never forgotten, no matter how hard you try....


Savour the sweet sensation and let go of the pain, this is what life is supposed to be....


Do not be agitated of what had happened, and smile at whatever that leaves a meaningful moment....


Learn from the past, live for today, prepare for the future....

---- 20.09.2006


The sportsman who continued to pursue his dream and career on the snooker table; despite having cancer, he continued to play on the table. Nobody has such courage and determination to do this when they are down. The determination and love is there to speak. Goodbye Paul Hunter, the snooker world will miss you...
*Picture courtesy of Google Images

People try whatever they can to stay alive...

Some people make it through, others aren't that lucky...

Never lose out to fate, fight till the end...

Live your life, fight for your dreams, never let anyone get in your way...

Even though you did not make it through, you know you have tried your very best...

So do the others...



Let's see what life has in store for us....

A hell lot of bumps or just people coming in to make you feel a liitle bit out of sorts?

Actually, both factor in to spoil your day and coming future....

Learn to embrace the fact that some things just need to be overcomed with a little bit of courage and common sense....

Don't always look at the ocmplicated side, there is always the simple and easy side of life to look at....

Never expect the worse in life, but always put a 'backup' plan in mind for anything that can hinder your progress....

These small little hiccups is what drives a person, so overcoming it will be "learning in the process"....

---- 10/11/2006



Old classmates, new chapter

old friends part 1

old friends part 2

old friends part 3

Everybody has a life to live, be it good or bad....

Some are destined to be that way and follow it, but there are some who do not believe in it....

They do whatever they can to change it, and some paid a very high price for it....

But no matter what happens, in the end they got what they wanted....

Life is not about what course you have to follow, but about what course you would like to follow....

Persevere in what you do, and the fruits of your labour is there for you to reap....





Grad nite at marina mandarin!

My CJC class.... a rather informal picture

My Sec sch class

Summer is the time when the sky gives off a cool, refreshing feeling…

Although the sun may be beating down on us, but the blue sky removes all the heaty sensation within us…

Even though there may be rain at certain times, but once it clear, all the gloomy aura returns back to the relaxing feeling just like before…

The clear skies are proof that there is still life existing in this world...


The usual few guys.....

The blessed guys of a cursed camp....

My Tutorial Group (Part 1)

My Tutorial Group (Part 2)

After hearing about the mishap of someone, sometimes, you get a heart wrenching feeling...

You mau not know that person personally, but know him for the things he have done...

He or she may not know you, but definitely, wouldn't like to see us sad for the rest of our lifetime...

Life sucks, but it still goes on, regardless of what happens...

Look forward to what life has for you, as memories are there to stay...

Remember them for what they did, not how they died...

---- 14/10/2006





Gathering at Yuki Yaki


Doesn't it seem very true that sometimes people just appear to be looking far ahead, but yet others behind only mock at them?

Some may have totally unreachable dreams, but dreams are what that drives us on in this world....

In a humurous manner, it's true that the real world is in a total mess and many things are very unbelievable....

But with dreams around, we will be able to achieve more then we ask for....

Never let others laugh at your dream, you laugh at other's stupidity for not having a dream to follow....

---- 21/2/2007

*Calvin and Hobbes strip courtesy from Google Images


My Consumer Behaviour Tutorial Class

Weiqin's birthday in Fish & Co Dhouby Ghaut

Why do people fight so hard, knowing they won't win?

Captain America was an example, he fought the 'good fight', only to realise he was on the wrong side of the argument....

Many of us are like him, clinging on very hard on what we believe is right, only to realise it was supposed to be left....

Flexibility and Adaptibility is vital in the world, with the rapid advancement in technology and human cultural issues...

Fight for what we believe in, but weigh the consequences on what are the aftermaths of the issues....

Look at problems in different perspectives and views, and incorporate them into your belief....

With such adaptability, things would turn out right....

Always remember, there is a thin red line defining being right and being stubborn....

---- 29/6/2008


>*Picture of Captain America, courtesy from Google Image

Fine, I look like an idiot...

An interesting class... BM305