
Nu Evolution
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Detailing and Customization

Nu Evolution (2009 BAKUC Competition Entry)
1/144 HGUC Nu Gundam Customized
HGUC has really evolved tremendously, which made painting this chap not much of a challenge. Though I have done an MG before, this HGUC version is better in terms of proportions, thus any Amuro Ray fan would get it too. My design is heavily influenced by the Nu Evolve(Evolve) version, but not as exaggerated. Let's get down to what I have done for it:
1. Head
Not much changes were made, except for the addition of 2 vulcan chamber holes so that the emptied catridges can come out of the head (look at details picture). This idea came from all the net modelers customization, so I thought of adding itin also. Kotobukiya option parts were used to create the detailing effect.

2. Arms
A lot of panel line carvings made, especially the shoulder pads (Details pic), which is styled based on Evolve. For the biceps, plastic sheets were bent and cemented onto them to create a layered effect, which is meant to be the opposite of the interior baring of the Evolve version. For the elbow, a small piece of plastic is added for minor detailing and panel line has been added.
For the fore arm on both hands, the wrist has been cut at the lower area to bare the interior and allow a bit of detailing (Detail pic).
For the right fore arm, it has been thickened with plastic sheet and details added to be similar to the Evolve version. For the left arm, plastic sheet has been added to certain areas for detailing.
3. Upper Torso
Details, details and more details. All are based on Evolve, and all are down with plastic sheets.
4. Lower Torso
Front skirt armor has been thickened on the upper end, and details from Kotobukiya option sets were utilised. Panel lines as usual carved with a pen knife on the front armor and side skirt armor. The rear skirt armor has plastic sheets used for detailing also.
5. Legs
The thighs had additional panel lines added, and a small hole added for detailing.
For the shins, the details mimic those of the Evolve. The legs have been made to be more squarish, giving it a sharper feeling.
Additional panel linings and plastic sheets have also been added on the calf armor covering the booster.
For the upper part of the feet, plastic sheets were added for detailing.
6. Weapons
Not much customization, except for the shield. It has been made to look much like a dragon shield, but this time it is much more detailed then my MG version. This design is heavily based on the Evolve version.
Below are the paint I have used for this kit:
1. Gloss Red
2. GlossWhite
3. Light Grey
4. Gold Leaf
5. Gloss Black
6. Flat Base for mixing
Tamiya Basic Putty was used for the covering of seam lines and a Water Based Gundam Marker for the panel lines. The flat red was done with Gloss Red mixed with Flat Base.