Ryofu Tallgeese (Sangokuden 2009 Entry
I never expected an SD to be that difficult to fix. Took me about 2 whole months to fix it, and the painting part was...
tough. And, never would anyone expect such a small kit to have so much to customise!!! (for further info, please read on...):
1. Head
Looks simple. To the hell with that sentence. The antennae and head gear had chrome plating on it, so it had to be removed
before painting can be commenced. A lot of areas have also been sharpened, so was the face b=plate. For the side of the head,
a small customization was done to make the panel line more 'natural'.
2. Arms
Shoulder pads had been sharpened at the 'fang' areas, and seam lines have been cemented and removed properly. A small
minor detail was added and additional panel lining done on the inner side. The inner part of the shoulder pad has been puttied
to cover all the holes available.
For the forearm, the back of it had to be covered up as there were 2 humongous holes (if you don't believe it, get 1
Sangokuden SD kit and check it out), and so was the joint area. I used plastic sheets to cover those areas and used putty
to even any areas. The left hand also had to be covered as there is also a huge portion uncovered. The covering was done with
the same method.
3. Body
Not much changes, except that the armor was sharpened at the edges.
4. Lower Torso
Legs also had another cursed problem with the holes (same commentary as the arms), so I had to use residual plastic pieces
and putty to cover them up. The pointed armor on the feet had been sharpened also.
5. Skirt Armor
All available areas of the skirt armor have been sharpened, especially the 'fang' areas.
6. Weapons
As usual, any area that can be sharpened, has been sharpened. The Dragon Treasure has been kept as its original self
and only painted the parts which was removed from the sprue
Below are the paint I have used for this kit:
1. Gloss Red
2. GlossWhite
3. Light Grey
4. Gold Leaf
5. Chrome Silver
6. Gloss Black
7. Flat Base for mixing
Tamiya Basic Putty was used for the covering of seam lines and a Water Based Gundam Marker for the panel lines. The flat
red was done with Gloss Red mixed with Flat Base
One final comment: If you are extremely good at masking and painting, go ahead and do any SD you wish
to do.