
1/144 HGUC Zeta Gundam
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Another Gundam from the Zeta Series, Zeta Gundam itself. I got the HGUC version as in terms of posability and overall appearance, it is better then that of the Master Grade (until the ver 2.0 is coming out...). The Perfect Grade's Price is too much for me to handle, so I dropped the idea. However, the HGUC version still has a lot of detail missing, so I did quite some detailing to the mecha itself. Until I get a better camera, I can only type out what I have done to it.
I sharpened the antennae on the head with file and sandpaper, giving it a sharper look. The head is put together using cement, pressed hardly together and after it dries, a file is used to remove the excessive plastic that was melted out.
Some of the details have to be carved deeper with the modelling knife as some the panel lines are gone after filing and sanding.
The shoulder has been thickened with tamiya putty as I feel that it does not match the oevrall appearance, so I decided to make it thicker and fuller. The joint between the forearm and bicep has a little bit of detailing added to it by carving a line in the middle of the joint. The fist has the details carved out also to make the fingers' joints look more obvious.
4.Lower Body
The side skirt armor has details added onto it. The end of the skirt armor has the detail carved out with the modelling knife, based on the perfect grade and master grade Zeta. On the legs, the ankles which are facing each other, has been done up also. The sides under and a small part of it covering the vernien thrusters are removed using modelling knife to carve it away. It is again based on the Master Grade and Perfect Grade Zeta. For the rear part of the feet, the end has been cut away and made smaller, following the Master Grade Zeta version.
Paint used:
  • Gloss White
  • Gloss Red
  • Flat Blue
  • Flat Yellow
  • Sky Blue
  • Nato Black
  • Flat Base used for mixing with the gloss paint

Hobby Color:

  • Lime Green

Tamiya Basic Putty is used for covering up seam lines, 0.1 pen used to do panel lines, Model Master Cement used for cementing parts together.

Pictures taken by Louis Lim