Here comes another of my creation, Zeta Plus A1. It is supposedly an improvement over the Zeta
Gundam, but however it never made it to the series or any other Gundam series, thus being a variation in the Gundam Sentinel.
There is nothing much for me to do on this kit, only that I did a more daring painting job of putting the Amuro Ray's "signature",
the well known A sign of his on the whole mecha. It can be seen when it is in waverider mode. It may not appear very obvious,
but still it can be seen. My idea was to try and make the Zeta Plus into "What type of Mecha is this?". But, couldn't really
do that, so i can only commend myself on my daring paint job. The main area I changed was the shoulder armor, where I made
it higher then the original design. The original shoulder armor appeared a little small and made the whole mecha look sloppy,
so I used the shoulder armor from Zeta Plus C1 and cut it to half, and cement it on top of the Zeta Plus A1 shoulder armor.
Not much putty was used on this mecha, only on the joining part of my customized shoulder. This is how it should look like,
but there are some areas where still need to be touched up and the panel lines need to be drawn.
Paint used for the Mecha:
Hobby Color:
Tamiya Basic Putty was used for covering up of the seam lines on the shoulders and Model Master
Cement was used to cement all the parts together.
The base is more or less confirmed, only that I will need to place it (the thing used for poking
receipts) on another normal black base for more stability.
Pictures by Louis Lim