
RGZ91C RE-GZ C.C.C (Close Combat Custom)

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Another one of my creation that is done and these are the best pics I can take. I changed quite a bit of this mecha, so you have to look rather closely and it will be very different. I tried to make it more flexible, so yeah, I did made quite an achievement. And I painted it with an unconventional color of silver and metallic blue. Now, let’s get down to the parts where I have customized.


The head have been changed to the zeta plus C1. It makes the whole appearance a lot better as the head is smaller and fits the body better.


This is the area where I customized the most. On the upper torso, the shoulder region I had to do a lot of cutting so that there is space to allow the arms to move beyond the actual limit. The PC joint had the sides, which where rectangular, cut to octagonal so that it can turn. The lower part of the armpit was cut to also allow space 4 the arm joint 2 move.


The part no. F 17’s lower joint connected to the ball has been cut away and lengthen with another piece of plastic. This will make it to look a little sharper and allow more flexibility for the feet to move.


Part no. E 13 was cut quite a lot. The upper region where there is the gap was further cut in and broaden to allow flexibility again so that it can pose in a better and nicer position instead of looking very stiff.


Adding part E 21 to RX-78-2 ver 1.5’s beam javelin and part M 1 was added to make it into a spear.


The arms I just added the extra sword like thing on the arm to make the whole mecha look sharper and more of the warrior pattern.

The Tamiya paint which were used to paint the model:

  1. Chrome Silver
  2. Metallic Blue
  3. Gold Leaf
  4. Gloss Red
  5. Park Green

A 0.1 pen is used to do the panel lines.