This is the new Red Frame Astray from Gundam Seed. It is a very flexible model kit which
can twist and turn rather well. Thanks to the ball joint on the stomach, it can pose very naturally. There is really nothing
much to modify in this kit, only that I need to putty a hell lot of areas. It is still not totally done, so you guys have
to make do with what it looks like. I don't really know where to start, because I never modify any parts at all. Only some
areas are pretty uneven, like the white part on the top of the hand. I had to sand a lot on that area to even it out before
I can start to paint on it. So was the shoulder and the feet.
The paint I have used is Tamiya and Hobby Color.
Tamiya- Gloss Black
- Flat Base
Hobby Color- Fluorescent Green
- Flat White
- Gloss Red
I mixed the Gloss Black with Flat Base to make it less glossy and the rest of the paint were
used as they are.