
RX-78-2 Gundam Ver 1.5 (2004 Singapore Gundam Competition )

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RX-78-2 Gundam Ver 1.5
1/100 Master Grade RX-78-2 Gundam Ver 1.5
2004 Singapore Gundam Competition(not chosen)

This a birthday present given to me by my family. It is one of the few Gundams that I want in my collection and it is the famous and original Gundam. Once Gundam is mentioned, everyone will think of this mecha. Although in the series it looks like shit, but the BANDAI manufacturers and Katoki Hajime have made this simple mecha into a very stylish, sleek looking war machine.

Finally, it is done and ready for this year's competiton! There weren't any parts to be customized, except for the antenna. The rest of the mecha is built with the kit itself. I managed to show the inner parts of the right leg by exposing the armor. Many areas have to be even out with sandpaper and putty, especially the elbow and head area. When the joints were connected, one side was higher then the other, so I had to cut away the pin which connect the joints and use liquid poly to glue both together. After that, I used sandpaper to even out the whole piece. The same went to the head, except the head had to do a lot of sanding. When I joined the head area, the part in front was fantastically higher then the behind. I had to cut away the pins inside, cement the parts together and use putty on the lower part of the head to extend it and even it out. The left calf area had a little problem also. When the pins at the lower calf is connected to the lower leg, the upper calf will be coming out, and when the upper part is pushed in, the lower part comes out. That was a headache, so I decided to cut away the pins so that at least the calf will stay at the leg, because I will only be showing the inner right leg. The calf are at the side also have to be even out because there is a hole depression in the centre, so I have to even out the whole thing to make it smooth.

Now, the painting part. I used Tamiya and Hobby Color water-based Acrylic Paint.

Tamiya-Flat Blue

           -Flat Yellow

           -Flat Red

           -Lime Green

           -Flat Black

Hobby Color-Flat White

                  -Gloss Red

The eyes were painted with lime green as I disliked the yellow eyes of RX-78-2. I just found it very unmatching, so I used a little idea from RX-78-2 ver.ka's idea. The flat blue turned out to be darker then I expected, but it looked better, so I didn't mind that. The hand manipulator I changed the color scheme. Instead of the totally black hand, I used flat white to paint the upper part and made it look like RX-78-2 ver.ka. I have colored the holes on the side of the head and the machine gun (chinese it is called Huo Shen Pao) black. And also, the decals were ruined, so I put up just a few of it on both shoulders.