
EX-S Striker
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Alright, you will be thinking that why will a crazy idiot like me use a $50 HGUC EX-S Gundam and make it into this, but you are totally WRONG. It is a 1987 System Injection model kit and worths only $10 at Takashimaya (during the Gundam sale). The budget for this whole kit is less den $30 (but it is not done yet as you can see that some areas are not painted yet, the radar is not on the left side of the backpack, the gun is not fixed yet, the tail has not been connected to the cannon with a wire, the cannon is not covered up, the fuel at the back of EX-S Striker is not added in). It should be done as soon as I POP from NS.

There wasn't much to customize the EX-S Gundam (surprisingly) as everything is there, except the antenna has to be sharpened, the right arm is replaced with the HGUC EX-S Gundam's one (got it from my friend). And, you will definitely not believe how the cannon is built--> I used rulers and cut them up. Then, I use super glue to stick the parts together. The turret is used with three pens joined together. You will think I am crazy, well, I am! Since I can't get the Deep Striker (because it is only available in Gundam Fix Figuration form and it is very expensive), so I intend to create a Gundam similar to it with the lowest budget possible. I have yet to cover up the seam lines created by the joining of the rulers with putty. I added weights in the legs so that it will stay firm when the backpack is on. If not, it will just topple over if it is not supported.

The paint I have used for EX-S Striker is Tamiya and Hobby Color again.

Tamiya- Flat Blue

          -Flat Black

          -Flat Yellow

          -Lime Green

Hobby Color-Flat White

0.1 pen was used to draw the panel lines.